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Visit my blog to learn about the concepts of crucial conversations, engage in dialogue through my blog posts on today's topics.
Showing a path to inclusive respectful and meaningful dialogue with anyone who is interested and willing to remain civilized during disagreements.
A path to celebrate the unique things that each individual brings to a dialogue and how you can take advantage of all you have in common, as well.
Dialogue; Mutual Respect
A shared belief in the benefits of diversity. Diversity includes the varied cultural backgrounds, different skills, and unique viewpoints.
When you sign up with ShannonThink, these are just a few topics espoused in the blog. Not only do I share my knowledge on things that I have learned in my life (personal and professional) but also in all the areas that I have researched...maybe because I secretly want to be a journalist.
And of course, visit ShannonThink.com/Shop where you can get T-shirts, stickers, magnets, pillows, mugs, and more in funky and fun designs.