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I would make the world a better place for everyone

I whish I was a little bit taller.

I wish I was a baller.

I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her.

I whish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a ’64 Impala.

I wish I had my way, ’cause every day would be a Friday.


Picture by ShannonThink

I wish I could undo the traumatic experience I had when I was a kid or travel back in time to those specific times (yes, more than one) and be a protector to my younger, more vulnerable self.

I wish I could have stopped the older students in my school from bullying me because I was the new kid, or for having acne, or for standing up to them.

I wish I could single handedly stop the hate that seems to spread like the most contagious virus known to humans.

I wish I could travel back in time to the 16th century African nations and convince them of the consequences of kidnapping their own and enslaving their own people.

I wish I could prevent the African slave trade from ever happening. This world would have a much different landscape today.

I wish…for a lot of things, but I can only do so much, which is not much. I DO have a big mouth and a mighty pencil, or keyboard…or whatever.

I wish to open a dialogue. I wish to have crucial conversations about the issues that are threatening to tear up this nation.

Picture by ShannonThink

I wish we didn’t have parents in an uproar over teaching our kids to ‘build strong relationships’ and ‘appreciate one another's similarities and differences’ or ‘critically examining root causes of inequality’— but that is social justice activism. How dare we teach our children that. WTF

I wish…I wish I could stop crying…

I wish I had my way, ’cause every day would be a Friday.

Here is the video, just in case the song is now stuck in your head…

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