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Introducing Crucial Conversations

How I Got to This Post

Before we get there, let me fill you in on the fiasco I experienced just to get to this post.

Some months ago, more than I'd like to count, I was getting more and more frustrated with the news coming out of Capitol Hill. I had no real outlet to focus my anger and mounting fears.

I do not handle stress and anxiety well. I usually get headaches that lead to migraines if I don't control my emotions. I knew I had to take action. That action turned into the idea of a blog.

It was decided! I was going to be a blogger.

Ok, but now what? There were plenty of blogs blogging about how to get started blogging...did you get that? I barely did. It sounded easy enough. After reading several blogs and using their "easy" step-by-step directions, I registered my own domain, and I was ready to go!, no, I needed to build a website. According to these blogs I was reading that was so easy through WordPress. Just get an account, get a theme, and there you go - poof! NOT!

I tried creating a website myself on WordPress, but I just made it too complicated and got things messed up - how I still don't know. I was resorting to Google searches to figure out what I was doing wrong. I just made things worse and worse.

I came across a company XXX who talked a big game. The did a great job creating a logo for shannonthink and so they offered me a discount on their services to build me a website. I was hesitant because I wasn't sure what I wanted or needed in a blog website since I was brand new to the blog scene. But, they convinced me. Then they spent the next 5 months working on the website...

In that time...because I am a person of action, I started blogging. I came across a platform that allowed me to simply join and begin writing. I was able to write a number of blog posts well before my website was complete.

And then one day, I decided I’d had enough. Poor quality in the website development along with the extremely slow progress and horrid communications, I abandoned this company for a smaller more trusted web designer.

Lucky for me a friend knew someone who created her website and recommended her company. Within 3 weeks of first contact, my website was redesigned and ready to go live.

And here we are! Now I have to get to work.

THIS is why I started my blog

Several years ago, I was given the opportunity to take a Crucial Conversations Course that was based on the book, Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking when Stakes are High by New York Times bestselling authors Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillian, and Al Switzler.

The book and the course change my life and helped me to better understand myself during conversations. I have been able to focus on mastering the skills taught in crucial conversations course in order to have much more productive conversations.

I think that I can help introduce the principles and use them to have conversations that are controversial and contentious in this country. At least I would like to try.

I will begin by introducing all of the concepts behind the Crucial Conversations book by New York Times bestselling authors. Then I will have conversations, tough conversations that I hope to have continued dialogue on the subject.

Stay tuned for the Crucial Conversations Series

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